
class fhirbug.models.attributes.Attribute(getter=None, setter=None, searcher=None, search_regex=None, audit_get=None, audit_set=None)[source]

The base class for declaring db to fhir mappings. Accepts three positional arguments, a getter, a setter and a searcher.

The getter parameter can be a string, a tuple, a callable or type const.

  • Using a string:
>>> from types import SimpleNamespace as SN
>>> class Bla:
...   _model = SN(column_name=12)
...   p = Attribute('column_name')
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p
  • Strings can also be properties:
>>> class Model:
...  column_name = property(lambda x: 13)
>>> class Bla:
...   _model = Model()
...   p = Attribute('column_name')
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p
  • Callables will be called:
>>> class Bla:
...   _model = SN(column_name=12)
...   def get_col(self):
...     return 'test'
...   p = Attribute(get_col)
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p
  • As a shortcut, a tuple (col_name, callable) can be passed. The result will be callable(_model.col_name)
>>> import datetime
>>> class Bla:
...  _model = SN(date='2012')
...  p = Attribute(('date', int))
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p

The setter parameter can be a string, a tuple, a callable or type const.

  • Using a string:
>>> class Bla:
...  _model = SN(date='2012')
...  p = Attribute(setter='date')
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p = '2013'
  • Again, the string can point to a property with a setter:
>>> class Model:
...  b = 12
...  def set_b(self, value):
...    self.b = value
...  column_name = property(lambda self: self.b, set_b)
>>> class Bla:
...   _model = Model()
...   p = Attribute(getter='column_name', setter='column_name')
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p = 13
>>> b.p == b._model.b == 13
  • Callables will be called:
>>> class Bla:
...   _model = SN(column_name=12)
...   def set_col(self, value):
...     self._model.column_name = value
...   p = Attribute(setter=set_col)
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p = 'test'
>>> b._model.column_name
  • Two-tuples contain a column name and a callable or const. Set the column to the result of the callable or const
>>> def add(column, value):
...  return column + value
>>> class Bla:
...   _model = SN(column_name=12)
...   p = Attribute(setter=('column_name', add))
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p = 3
>>> b._model.column_name
class fhirbug.models.attributes.BooleanAttribute(*args, save_true_as=1, save_false_as=0, default=None, truthy_values=['true', 'True', 1, '1'], falsy_values=['false', 'False', '0', 0], **kwargs)[source]

Used for attributes representing boolean types. truthy_values and falsy_values are used to determine which possible values from the database we should consider as True and False. Values that are not in any of the lists are mapped to default and if that is None, a MappingValidationError is thrown.

  • save_true_as – How do we save True in the database
  • save_false_as – How do we save Fasle in the database
  • deafult – If we read a value that is not in truthy_values or falsy_values, it will default to ths value.
  • truthy_values (list) – Which values, when read from the database should be mapped to True
  • falsy_values (list) – Which values, when read from the database should be mapped to False
class fhirbug.models.attributes.DateAttribute(field, audit_get=None, audit_set=None)[source]
class fhirbug.models.attributes.EmbeddedAttribute(*args, type=None, **kwargs)[source]

An attribute representing a BackboneElement that is described by a model and is stored using an ORM relationship, usually a ForeignKeyField or an embedded mongo document.


Convert a dictionary to an instance of the corresponding FHIR resource

class fhirbug.models.attributes.NameAttribute(family_getter=None, given_getter=None, family_setter=None, given_setter=None, join_given_names=False, pass_given_names=False, getter=None, setter=None, searcher=None, given_join_separator=' ', audit_get=None, audit_set=None)[source]

NameAttribute is for used on fields that represnt a HumanName resource. The parameters can be any of the valid getter and setter types for simple Attribute

  • family_getter – A getter type parameter for the family name.
  • given_getter – A getter type parameter for the given name
  • family_setter – A setter type parameter for the family name
  • given_setter – A getter type parameter for the given name
class fhirbug.models.attributes.ReferenceAttribute(cls, id, name, setter=None, force_display=False, searcher=None)[source]

A Reference to some other Resource that may be contained.


A decorator that adds auditing functionality to the __get__ and __set__ methods of descriptor Attributes. Attribute auditors, depending on the result of the audit, can return True, meaning access to the attribute has been granted or False, meaning access has been denied but execution should continue normally. If execution should stop and an error returned to the requester, it should raise an exception.

class fhirbug.models.attributes.const(value)[source]

const can be used as a getter for an attribute that should always return the same value

>>> from types import SimpleNamespace as SN
>>> class Bla:
...   p = Attribute(const(12))
>>> b = Bla()
>>> b.p