Source code for fhirbug.models.mixins

import re

from fhirbug.constants import AUDIT_SUCCESS
from fhirbug.Fhir import resources
from fhirbug.models.attributes import Attribute
from fhirbug.config import import_models
from fhirbug.exceptions import (
from fhirbug.Fhir.resources import PaginatedBundle
from fhirbug.server.requestparser import generate_query_string

from fhirbug.config import settings

[docs]def get_pagination_info(query): """ Reads item count and offset from the provided ``FhirRequestQuery`` instance, or the application settings. It makes count obay MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE and calculates which page we are on. :param FhirRequestQuery query: The FhirRequestQuery object for this request. :returns: (page, count, prev_offset, next_offset) The number of the page we are on, how many items we should show, the offset of the next page and the offset of the previous page. :rtype: (int, int, int, int) """ count = int(query.modifiers.get("_count", [settings.DEFAULT_BUNDLE_SIZE])[0]) count = min(count, settings.MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE) offset = query.search_params.get("search-offset", ["1"]) offset = int(offset[0]) page = offset // count + 1 prev_offset = max(offset - count, 1) next_offset = offset + count return page, count, next_offset, prev_offset
[docs]class FhirAbstractBaseMixin: """ Adds additional fhir related functionality to all models. Most importantly, it provides the ``.to_fhir()`` method that handles the transformation from an SQLAlchemy model to a Fhir resource. User-defined models subclassing this class **must** implement a ``FhirMap`` nested class. """ @classmethod def _get_resource_cls(cls): resource_name = getattr(cls, "__Resource__", cls.__name__) Resource = getattr(resources, resource_name) return Resource
[docs] def to_fhir(self, *args, query=None, **kwargs): """ Convert from a BaseModel to a Fhir Resource and return it. If param `query` is passed and is of type server.FhirRequestQuery, it is used to allow for additional functionality like contained resources. """ # Initialize attributes self._searchables = [] self._contained_names = query.modifiers.get("_include", []) if query else [] self._elements = query.modifiers.get("_elements", None) if query else None self._contained_items = [] self._refcount = 0 # Use __Resource__ if it has been defined else the dame of the class # resource_name = getattr(self, "__Resource__", self.__class__.__name__) Resource = self.__class__._get_resource_cls() # Filter the matching fields param_dict = self.get_params_dict(Resource, elements=self._elements) # Cast to a resource resource = Resource(param_dict, strict=kwargs.get("strict", True)) self.get_rev_includes(query) # Add any contained items that have been generated if self._contained_items: resource.contained = self._contained_items return resource
[docs] def get_params_dict(self, resource, elements=None): """ Return a dictionary of all valid values this instance can provide for a resource of the type ``resource``. :param resource: The class of the resource we wish to create :return: A dictionary to be used as an argument to initialize a resource instance """ # TODO: Allow for a fields attribute to manually specify which fields to be used? # Read this instances available attributes attributes = [prop for prop in dir(self.Fhir) if not prop.startswith("_")] # Create a mock resource for comparison mock = resource() # If the _elements paramater has been passed, return the elements specified there, # along with all mandatory ones # TODO: toggle inclusion of mandatory based on a setting if elements: attributes = [ attr for attr in attributes if attr in elements + mock.mandatoryFields() + ["id"] ] hidden_attrs = getattr(self, "_hidden_attributes", []) hidden_attrs = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), hidden_attrs)) # Evaluate the common attributes. This is where all the getters are called param_dict = { attribute: getattr(self.Fhir, attribute) for attribute in attributes if hasattr(mock, attribute) and attribute.lower() not in hidden_attrs } return param_dict
[docs] def get_rev_includes(self, query): """ Read the _revincludes that were asked for in the request, query the database to retrieve them and add them to the initial resources ``contained`` field. :param query: A :class:`FhirRequestQuery` object holding the current request. :type query: :class:`fhirbug.server.requestparser.FhirRequestQuery` :returns: None """ if query and "_revinclude" in query.modifiers: models = import_models() revincludes = query.modifiers.get("_revinclude") for rev in revincludes: resource_name, field, *_ = rev.split(":") Resource = getattr(models, resource_name) # sql_query = cls.searchables()[search](cls, search, value, sql_query, query) if field in Resource.searchables(): items = Resource.searchables()[field]( Resource, field,, Resource._get_orm_query(), query ).all() self._contained_items += list(map(lambda i: i.to_fhir(), items))
[docs] @classmethod def from_resource(cls, resource, query=None): """ Creates and saves a new row from a Fhir.Resource object """ obj = cls() obj.Fhir._query = query # Audit the creation if implemented if hasattr(obj, "audit_create"): auditEvent = obj.audit_create(query) if auditEvent.outcome != AUDIT_SUCCESS: raise AuthorizationError(auditEvent=auditEvent) # Get the protected fields protected_attrs = getattr(obj, "_protected_attributes", []) # Read the attributes of the FhirMap class own_attributes = [ prop for prop, type in cls.FhirMap.__dict__.items() if isinstance(type, Attribute) and prop not in protected_attrs ] for path in own_attributes: value = getattr(resource, path.replace("_", "."), None) if value is not None: setattr(obj.Fhir, path, value) return obj
@classmethod def create_from_resource(cls, resource, query=None): obj = cls.from_resource(resource, query) obj = cls._after_create(obj) return obj
[docs] def update_from_resource(self, resource, query=None): """ Edits an existing row from a Fhir.Resource object """ # Audit the update if implemented if hasattr(self, "audit_update"): auditEvent = self.audit_update(query) if auditEvent.outcome != AUDIT_SUCCESS: raise AuthorizationError(auditEvent=auditEvent) # Get the protected fields protected_attrs = getattr(self, "_protected_attributes", []) # Read the attributes of the FhirMap class own_attributes = [ prop for prop, type in self.FhirMap.__dict__.items() if isinstance(type, Attribute) and prop not in protected_attrs ] self.Fhir._query = query # for path in own_attributes: for path in own_attributes: value = getattr(resource, path.replace("_", "."), None) if value is not None: setattr(self.Fhir, path, value) new = self.__class__._after_update(self) return new
@classmethod def delete_item(cls, item, query=None): # Audit the update if needed if hasattr(item, "audit_delete"): auditEvent = item.audit_delete(query) if auditEvent.outcome != AUDIT_SUCCESS: raise AuthorizationError(auditEvent=auditEvent) return cls._delete_item(item)
[docs] def protect_attributes(self, attribute_names=[]): """ Accepts a list of attribute names and protects them for the duration of the current operation. Protected attributes can not be changed when creating or editing a resource. Subsequent calls replace the previous attribute list. :param list attribute_names: A list of Fhir attribute names to set as protected """ self._protected_attributes = attribute_names
[docs] def hide_attributes(self, attribute_names=[]): """ Accepts a list of attribute names and marks them as hidden, meaning they will not be included in json representations of this item. Subsequent calls replace the previous attribute list. :param list attribute_names: A list of Fhir attribute names to set as hidden """ self._hidden_attributes = attribute_names
[docs]class FhirBaseModelMixin: """ """
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, query, *args, **kwargs): """ Handle a GET request """ if query.resourceId: # item = cls._get_orm_query().get(query.resourceId) try: item = cls._get_item_from_pk(query.resourceId) except DoesNotExistError: raise MappingValidationError( f'Resource "{query.resource}/{query.resourceId}" does not exist.' ) if hasattr(item, "audit_read"): auditEvent = item.audit_read(query) if auditEvent.outcome != AUDIT_SUCCESS: raise AuthorizationError(auditEvent=auditEvent) res = item.to_fhir(*args, query=query, **kwargs) return res.as_json() else: # Handle search sql_query = cls._get_orm_query() for search in [ *query.search_params, *query.modifiers, ]: # TODO: Do we really need to check the modifiers here? if cls.has_searcher(search): values = query.search_params.get( search, query.modifiers.get(search) ) for value in values: sql_query = cls.get_searcher(search)( cls, search, value, sql_query, query ) # TODO: Handle sorting # Handle pagination page, count, next_offset, prev_offset = get_pagination_info(query) pagination = cls.paginate(sql_query, page, count) url_queries = generate_query_string(query) params = { "items": [ item.to_fhir(*args, query=query, **kwargs) for item in pagination.items if not hasattr(item, "audit_read") or item.audit_read(query).outcome == AUDIT_SUCCESS ], "total":, "pages": pagination.pages, "has_next": pagination.has_next, "has_previous": pagination.has_previous, "next_page": f"{cls.__name__}/?_count={count}&search-offset={next_offset}{url_queries}", "previous_page": f"{cls.__name__}/?_count={count}&search-offset={prev_offset}{url_queries}", } return PaginatedBundle(pagination=params).as_json()
[docs] @classmethod def has_searcher(cls, query_string): """ Search if this resource has a registered searcher for the provided query string :param query_string: A query string that is matched against registered field names or regular expressions by existing searchers :type query_string: string :returns: bool """ for srch in cls.searchables(): if re.match(srch, query_string): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def get_searcher(cls, query_string): """ Return the first search function that matches the provided query string :param query_string: A query string that is matched against registered field names or regular expressions by existing searchers :type query_string: string :returns: function """ searchers = [ func for srch, func in cls.searchables().items() if re.match(srch, query_string) ] if len(searchers) == 0: raise AttributeError(f"Searcher does not exist: {query_string}") return searchers[0]
[docs] @classmethod def searchables(cls): """ Returns a list od two-tuples containing the name of a searchable attribute and the function that searches for it based on the Attribute definitions in the FhirMap subclass. """ searchables = {} for name, prop in cls.FhirMap.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(prop, Attribute) and prop.searcher: key = name if not hasattr(prop, "search_regex") else prop.search_regex searchables[key] = prop.searcher return searchables
@property def Fhir(self): """ Wrapper property that initializes an instance of FhirMap. """ # Initialize the FhirMap instance ## TODO: should we use a base class instead and implement __init__? if not hasattr(self, "_Fhir"): self._Fhir = self.FhirMap() self._Fhir._model = self self._Fhir._properties = [ prop for prop, typ in self.FhirMap.__dict__.items() if isinstance(typ, Attribute) ] # self._Fhir._searchables = [(name, prop.searcher) for name, prop in self.FhirMap.__dict__.items() if name in self._Fhir._properties and prop.searcher] # Return the singleton return self._Fhir